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川西屋が誇る、お燗でおいしい熟成純米酒のフラッグシップ。 お出汁のきいた和食と合わせて、風味のふくらみと抜群のキレの良さを感じてください。


おススメの飲み方 : 60℃燗からの下り燗

原料米 : 阿波山田錦

精米歩合 : 60%





丹澤山 麗峰 1800ml

Sales Tax Included
  • 1800ml 税込み価格です

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Stop! Drinking and driving under the age of 20. We do not sell alcohol to people under the age of 20.
Drinking alcohol during pregnancy or while breastfeeding may have a negative impact on the development of the fetus or infant.


© 2023 Fine wine for you

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